Since Boy has come out of crèche I find myself with less time to blog (and cook, clean, sit, breathe etc). But this is not to say we haven't had time for fun. The last few weeks have seen lots of visits to friends, soft play, Bounce and Rhyme and a lovely wee trip to Wexford with beaches, animals and fun parks galore.
More recently we turned a floor load of empty bottles into a spectacularly easy to make and curiously addictive marble run (the marbles keep disappearing, and Girl has started to make an unusual rattling sound as she crawls, but that's another story). And today I stole a great idea from and turned a biscuit box into a maze.
In other news, Girl is pulling herself up, starting to make recognisable sounds and is down to one (ish) breastfeed per day. Boy is still crazy in love with his sister, though it would be nice if he wouldn't try to kiss, cuddle and row the boat with her while she is trying to nap. They regularly have full conversations in a series of screeches and giggles that noone else can understand and I spend my days hoping with all my strength that their relationship continues like this for years to come.
looking forward to and arty week x