Monday, 27 February 2012

Whirlwind Supermammies

We spent this morning at the home of a friend with two children around the same ages as Girl and Boy. I sat and watched in awe as this lady crammed about a month's worth of entertainment - and a hearty lunch - into two hours.

Boy was utterly enthralled as toy trains followed play dough, stories, hide and seek and a box full of toys - and aren't all toys so much better when they belong to someone else? When the rice-filled balloons came out all four children were bursting with glee. The balloons burst too, of course but not before lots of headers, throwing, kicking, catching and rubbing on the small babies' heads to produce some seriously spiky do's. My favourite part of the morning was watching Boy's wee pal dancing 'The Robot'.

By the time we were ready to leave, both babies were exhausted - as was mammy. They looked mildly disappointed when things returned to their usual pace this afternoon. Eh mammy we've been playing with these pipe cleaners for seven minutes here, what's next?


  1. ha ha - really enjoyed that - who was it?

  2. You would love her! The house is spotless too. Some kind of voodoo magic I think.
